Are you struggling to grow your business?
Getting a startup from the launch phase to the growth face is not always easy, but it's doable!
A Growth Marketing Canvas is a planning tool that allows you to map and create a more extensive and actionable marketing plan.
A canvas is customer-centric, and it helps discover innovative ideas, aligns your team, and develops a sustainable growth strategy.
Target Audience
When it comes to growth marketing, you need to identify your target audience to avoid broad marketing. Broad marketing leads to the creation of generic messages which don't resonate with a specific group, and that's why you should identify your target audience.
A target audience refers to a group of consumers with a higher chance of buying your products/services.
Benefits of Target Identification
You eliminate people who don't value your products services-bottom feeders
Better marketing spending because you only spend on your prospects
Better messaging focus based on your customer needs
Time-saving because you only spend time on your prospects
How to Identify Your Target Audience
1. Analyze Your Current Customer Base
The best way to know your audience is to look at the customers who already use your products/services. How old are they? Why do they like your products, and what are their interests? You can collect this vital data by conducting surveys or interviews.
2. Creates Personas
Personas are fictional customers that you create to represent the actual customers who might be interested in your products.
Creating personas helps you understand your clients' needs, goals, interests, and expectations. You can create personas based on the current purchasing habits of your clients, surveys, or digital engagements to get a better view of your customers.
3. Use Google Analytics
Google Analytics provides detailed reports about your customer behaviors. By analyzing the reports, you can identify where most of your customers come from and the services they like most.
Value Proposition
A value proposition is the core of your business. It clearly explains why customers should buy from you and not your competitors. It is also a great conversion factor because it determines whether you will close or lose a sale.
Understanding Value Proposition and Its Key Elements
A value proposition promises the value your customers get when they decide to buy your products. You can present your value proposition as a statement that introduces your brand's services and explains the value of the services to potential customers.
Creating Your Business Growth Marketing Canvas
Having a great and effective growth marketing canvas is easy and more convenient than you think. You may spend some time on the process, but the benefits are worth it. Still struggling with some of the concepts then maybe you should think about working with a growth marketing consultant?
Don't hesitate to contact me if you need assistance in creating a suitable growth marketing canvas for your business.